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Car rental in Kyrgyzstan

Bookingcar offers a wide range of car rental options in Kyrgyzstan
Here you can choose a car of any class that best suits your needs.
Our prices are one of the best prices on the market.
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Kyrgyzstan photo

Popular cities:

Kyrgyzstan is famous for its cleanest alpine lakes, felt carpets, colorful yurts, horse riding and numerous legends. With all its enormous diversity, the country is not very popular. But in vain. The Tien Shan and Pamir ridges, Jeta Oguz gorge, Inylchek glacier, Son-Kul and Sary-Chelek lakes, Turkestan ridge make an indelible impression. Numerous thermal springs have a beneficial effect on health and help in the treatment of many diseases. Advice for tourists: it is best to explore the sights of the country by rental car.

Holidays in Kyrgyzstan

Balneological resorts


Issyk-Ata photo

The main health resort of the country is considered to be Issyk-Ata. The healing properties of the area have been known since the beginning of the 19th century: mountain air, mineral water, medical procedures favorably affect overall health and actively help in the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, skin diseases. The main attraction here is a stone boulder with a Buddha image, which is associated with many wonderful stories. Near it there is a gorge, walking along the hiking trails you can get to know the flora and fauna of the area.


Jetoguz photo

Having rented a car, go to the Dzhetyoguz resort to feel the real high mountain climate, breathe in the forest air and feel the effects of radioactive thermal springs on yourself. They help in the treatment of non-tuberculous inflammations of the joints, liver, and stomach. The resort is surrounded by huge red rocks resembling 7 bulls. In your free time from treatment, you can freely walk around the picturesque places and recharge with positive energy.


Jalalabad photo

The best place for the treatment of liver diseases, rheumatism, skin diseases, nervous system is considered the resort of Jalal-Abad. It is famous for its hot alkaline springs, which have been effectively helping for several decades. The resort has everything for a comfortable stay: cozy rooms, good food, walking paths and a park area. By the way, lovers of picturesque panoramas will surely appreciate the views from the edge of the park to the Kugart River Valley.

Rules of the road, parking, toll roads

Toll roads

There are no toll roads in Kyrgyzstan.

Special Pay Roads

The fare on the Bishkek-Osh section is $ 10. When entering the Issyk-Kul region in the summer months, you will have to pay $ 41.60 (for one trip), $ 83.20 (the possibility of multiple travel).

Speed ​​mode

  • In the village - 60 km / h
  • Outside the village - 90 km / h
  • By road - 110 km / h
  • On the highway - 110 km / h


The maximum allowable blood alcohol level is 0.0 ‰ .


If you plan to rent a car, remember that most city parking lots in Kyrgyzstan are paid (payment is made at parking meters). Near cinemas, shopping centers parking is free.

Emergency and referral services

  • Ambulance - 103
  • Bishkek City Information Office - 262-317
  • Rescue Service - 443-839, 161 or 110

Car rental in Kyrgyzstan with BookingCar - profitable, convenient, easy!

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© Anastasiia Voloshina, 2017

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